Florian Tuercke

1977               born in Nürnberg (DE)

1999 - 2005    studies of fine art  //  AdBK Nürnberg (DE)

2003               "Meisterschüler" of Prof. Diet Sayler

2007               postgraduate diploma „art and public space“  //  AdBK Nürnberg (DE)

grants and scholarships

2021                NEUSTART Modul D  //  art grant  //  Deutscher Künstlerbund – Association of German Artists (DE)

2021                Art Prize of the City of Schwabach  //  Kunstpreis der Stadt Schwabach (DE)

2021                Art Prize of the City of Ebersberg  //  Kunstpreis der Stadt Ebersberg (DE)

2020                Beethoven Reloaded Art Prize // Katholisch-soziales Institut Siegburg (DE)

2016 / 2018     studio-grant  //  State of Bavaria  (DE)

2015                FARM Calling Award 015  //  FARM Cultural Park  //  Favara (IT)

2012                EMARE Mexiko-Scholarship  //  Werkleitz Gesellschaft (DE)

2012                paseoproject award   //  Zaragoza Foundation for Knowledge   //  Zaragoza (ESP)

2011                1. Prize in the competition „Music in Architecture“ at the University of Texas  //  Austin TX (USA)

2011                Nürnberg Stipendium   //  Art Award by the city of Nürnberg (DE)

2010                International Media-Art GrandPrix „live2011“  //  3. prize in the cathegory „digital Turku“  //  Turku (FIN)

2008                Projektförderung / project grant  //  Stiftung Kunstfonds (DE)

2008                USA-Scolarship  //  State of Bavaria (DE)

2006                Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis  /  Bavarian Art Award (DE)

2005                Bayerischer Kulturförderpreis der e-on AG  /  Bavarian Art&Culture Prize  (DE)

artist residencies

2024                Schloss Werdenberg (CH)

2019                Fundacja Wschód Sztuki // East of Art Foundation // Kraków (PL)

2016                FARM Cultural Park  //  Favara (IT)

2015                i-Art  //  Ragusa (IT)

2015                Home & Away  //  Wakefield  (UK)

2012                FONCA & Centro Multimedia (Cenart)  //  Mexico City (MX)

2012                Salzamt  //  Linz  (A)

2012                Platform  //  Vaasa  (FIN)

2011                Svenska Konstskolans Vänner  //  Nykerleby (FIN)

exhibitions / projects / festivals


What‘s left of tomorrow  //  solo show  //  Kunstverein Ebersberg e.V. (DE)

Schlossmediale Werdenberg  //  festival  //  Werdenberg (CH)

Anthroposzenische Landschaften  //  group show  //  GaDeWe, Bremen (DE)


0.5° – a requiem for a planet  //  solo show  //  Luftmuseum Amberg (DE)

Momentum  //  group show  //  Neues Museum Nürnberg (DE)

cope not perish  //  group show  //  MAERZ Galerie Linz (AT)

undergdansk  //  art festival  //  Gdansk (PL)


pipsiwau  //  group show  //  KREIS Galerie, Nürnberg (DE)
Open House Gdansk  //  performance  //  Gdansk (PL)
undergdansk  //  group show   //   Fundacja Chmura, Gdansk (PL)

Goldschlägernacht  //  performance in the frame of the festival  //  Schwabach (DE)
tune  //  solo show  //  Städtische Galerie Schwabach (DE)

unendlich still  //  Art on Bavarian Graveyards  //  Evangelische Landeskirche Bayern  (DE)

offside #1  //  group show  //  Vaasa (FI)


performance in the frame of the opening of NOMUS Nowe Muzeum Sztuki (New Museum of Art), Gdansk (PL)

Ortung_12  //  art biennale  //  Schwabach (DE)

Miasto Wracam // festival // Urb Cultural Planning, Gdansk (PL)

Wo bitte geh‘s nach Arkadien  // art festival // Kunstverein Ebersberg (DE)

Kunst Netz Werk 2 // online presentation // Deutsche Gesellschaft für Christliche Kunst (German Society for Christian Art, DE)


Beethoven Reloaded  // art festival  //  Siegburg (DE)

NN Kunstpreis 2020  //  group show  //  Kunsthaus //  Nürnberg (DE)

100 ways to live a minute  //  digital exhibition  //  Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (RU)


Supermarket Independent Art Fair  //  Stockholm (SE)

Dzwieki Pierwotne (Primal Sounds)  //  group show  //  Ethnographic Department of the National Museum  // Gdansk (PL)

Studio LaStadia_1  //  conference and group show  //  Studio LaStadia  //  Gdansk (PL)

Sound Around Kaliningrad  //  Sound Art Festival  //  Kaliningrad (RU)

more than the sum of its parts  //  solo show //  Art Agenda Nova Gallery  //  Kraków (PL)

unter 150  //  group show  //  KREIS Gallery  //  Nürnberg (DE)


tunedcity  //  sound art festival  //  Ancient Messene (GR)

urbane Zukunft //  group show  //  Kunstvilla  //  Nürnberg (DE)

LABOA  //  sound art festival  //  Vienna (AT)

URBAN AUDIO Gdynia  // audio-visual installation in the Muzeum Emigracji Pavillon at Open‘er festival  //  Gdynai (PL)

round trip  //  group show  //  Multicultural Center of the Transilvanian University  //  Brasov (RO)


tsonami  //  sound art festival  //  Valparaiso (CL)

LIMIT //  group show  //  KREIS Galerie  //  Nürnberg (DE)

Wir2-My2  //  art project in public space  //  Kunstverein Hochfranken Selb  //  Selb (DE) & Aš (CZ)

In den Raum  //  group show  //  Kunsthaus  //  Nürnberg (DE)

Desert Art Camp  //  international art symposium  //  Mitzpe Ramon (ISR)

face a reflection  //  group show  //  Yok Yok  //  Frankfurt a.M. (DE)


jeune creation  //  group show  //  Galerie Thaddaeus  //  Paris (FR)

the others are we  //  solo show  //  con[SPACE]  //  Frankfurt a.M. (DE)

resonances  //  sound art festival  //  Gallery EL  //  Elblag (PL)

PingPong  //  group show  //  KREIS Galerie  //  Nürnberg (DE)


Structural Sound Project Rome  //  sound art project in public space  //  90dB Festival  //  Rom (IT)

Rag(you)sa  //  video art project in public space  //  i-Art  //  Ragusa (IT)

Friday_Island  //  festival  //  Luxembourg (LX)

Schweinfurt Triennale  //  group show  //  Schweinfurt (DE)
Tastentage  //  festival  //  Leipheim (DE)


Structural Sound Project London  //  sound art project in public space  //  Arebyte Gallery  //  Hackney Wick, London (UK)

ARTLOOP  //  festival  //  Sopot (PL)

Linz Donau  //  group show  //  NORDICO muicipal museum  //  Linz (AT)

dicht dazwischen säen  //  festival for art & architecture  //  Nürnberg (DE)

Nomadic Village  //  festival for mobile art  //  Hohe Wand (AT)

temporary sound installation for the opening of the European Solidarity Center (ECS)  //  Gdansk (PL)


paseo project  //  group show  //  Etopia Center for Art & Technology  //  Zaragoza (ESP)

Nomadic Village  //  festival for mobile art  //  Cuges les Pins (FR)

Cosmic Example 3 & 4  //   performance in collaboration with Christian Jendreiko  //  Bergerkirche, Düsseldorf (DE)

URBAN AUDIO Zaragoza  //  sound art project in public space  //  Zaragoza (ESP)


30 Künstler 30 Räume  //  group show  //  Neues Museum Nürnberg & Zumikon (DE)

Explore Expand Expose  //  group show  //  Salzamt  //  Linz (AT)

.move_forward  //  media art festival  //  Werkleitz Gesellschaft  //  Halle (DE)

Stadt(t)räume  //  group show  //  kleiner Marktgräflerhof   //  Basel (CH)

4'33" for Mariachi  //  performance in public space   //  Mexico City (MX)

ICC_MX_Lab_01  //  performance  //  with: Emily Sweeney, William ‚Bilwa‘ Costa, Martin Lanz  //  Arte Alameda  //  Mecixo City (MX)

ALL  //  temporary installation  & video project  //  Kuntsi (Museum of modern Art)  //  Vaasa  (FIN)

plateaux  //  media art festival  //  Warszaw  (PL)

4‘33“ flashmob  //  performance in public space  //  Alexanderplatz, Berlin (DE)


descours  //  festival in public space  //  AiA New Orleans  (USA)

transvizulia  //  media art-festival  //  Gdansk (PL)

deelstaat  //  international symposium  //  Exprapool (NL)

Neuzugang  //  solo show  //  KREIS Galerie  //  Nürnberg (DE)

b&w festival  //  audio screening  //  Porto (PT)

Eshu Etaeb  //  group show  //  Galerie Sinne  //  Helsinki (FIN)

URBAN AUDIO Turku  //  sound art project in public space  //  European Capital of Culture 2011 Turku (FIN)


Hamburg, Gießen, Offenbach  //  group show  //  Hafen2  //  Offenbach (DE)

v_Kunst  //  video art festival in public space  //  Frankfurt a. Main (DE)

.con ("dotcon") online flashmob  //  internet  //  in collaboration with Cyrena Dunbar

Kreis im Wald  //  international symposium  //  Nürnberg  (DE)

URBAN AUDIO DeutschlandTour  //  sound art project in public space  //  16 German Cities (Landeshauptstädte)


Oil on Canvas  //  group show  //   aufAEG  //  Nürnberg (DE)

bassbediener vs. euroboom  //  performance  //  NEXUS foundation for todays art  //  Philadelphia (USA)

inter continental collaborations II   //  performance  //  NEXUS foundation for todays art  //  Philadelphia (USA)

URBAN AUDIO NY  //  sound art project in public space  //  New York City  (USA)


URBAN AUDIO AmericanSoundsTour  //  sound art project in public space  //  27 cities  (USA)

inter continental collaborations I  //  NEXUS foundation for todays art  //  Philadelphia (USA)

Art in Art  //  international symposium  //  Art-Museum Karlovy Vary  //  Karlsbad   (CZ)

Gleis 0  //  group show  //  Kunsträume Bayern  //  Hauptbahnhof Fürth (DE)

Myh  //  group show, forschungsgruppe_f  //  Kunstraum München (DE)


Human Lights  //  group show  //  Kunsthaus  //  Nürnberg (DE)

URBAN AUDIO CityMappingNürnberg  //  solo show  //  KREIS Galerie  //  Nürnberg (DE)

offene Klimastation  //  art project in public space, Urban Research Institute  //  Nürnberg (DE)

STOCK – contemporary art show  //  group show  //  3hoch3, Nürnberg (DE) & Theatro Garibaldi, Palermo  (IT)

little hungary  //  art project in public space, forschungsgruppe_f  //  Budapest (HU)

little germany  //  art project in public space, forschungsgruppe_f  //  Stuttgart (DE)

Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis 06  //  group show  //  Galerie der Künstler  //  München (DE)


deck_9  //  performance  //  festival Blaue Nacht  //  Katharinenparkhaus  //  Nürnberg (DE)

analog  //  performance  //  Johanniskirche  //  Plauen (DE)

long way home  //  performance  //  AdbK Nürnberg (DE)

FOR EXAMPLE  S,F,N,G,L,B,C  //  group show with forschungsgruppe_f  //  Shedhalle  //  Zürich (CH)

khora 2  //  international symposium  //  AdbK Nürnberg (DE)

re-mig(r)atio  //  art project in public space, forschungsgruppe_f  //  Budapest (HU)


gandhi, paganini und  //  exhibition & performance with Ladislav Zajac  //  AdbK Nürnberg (DE)

145Hz für Franziskus  //  performance  //  Franziskanerkirche  //  Rothenburg o.d. Tauber (DE)

waiting for suria  //  performance in collaboration with Ladislav Zajac  //  3hoch3  //  Nürnberg (DE)

stadt-akustik  //  solo show  //  Museum Zirndorf  (DE)

khora  //  international symposium  //  HCU  -  Hiroshima  (JP)

anfangen jetzt  //  group show  //  3hoch3  //  Nürnberg (DE)
