A string is stretched into a wooden frame. A resonating body made of wood and paper balances on it, the shape of which is reminiscent of a boat or a sarcophagus. The body is kept in balance by an anchor – a glass bottle from a well-known beverage producer. The string is excited by electromagnets and plays an SOS signal once a per minute
Global food and baverage companies have a tendency to undermine UN Resolution 64/292 (right to access to clean water) in favor of their profits. In many regions of the planet their business practices are intensifying the causes of flight. In turn, for many people, their producs symbolize the dream of a better life.
In the public debate on migration, the slogan "Fighting the causes of flight" is repeatedly used. What sounds simple and catchy is actually very complex, especially as those who shout the slogan the loudest would probably be the least likely to agree with its rigorous implementation.