Our planetary neighbour Mars is being discussed as an option for the long-term survival of humanity; as a promised land that – if we reach it holds the prospect of escaping the destruction of planet Earth.

All hope is pinned on the discovery of water on the celestial body named after the Roman god of war. A promised land, war and water scarcity... no need to travel to other planets.

A circular video is projected onto a round wooden disc that is suspended freely in the room. The projection is set up as to create an halo on the wall behind the disc. The wooden disc is also the loudspeaker for the installation's soundtrack.

The video footage was recorded in the Negev Desert in Israel in 2017.

promised land – no water on mars   2024

audio video installation  /  wood, exciter, video  / 12min Loop

installation view Kunstverein Ebersberg e.V. 2024

Installation soundtrack