rain song 2024
musical installation / strings, pickups, loudspeakers, wood, foil, bucket, aluminium, rope, hose, pump, water
rain song 2024
musical installation / strings, pickups, loudspeakers, wood, foil, bucket, aluminium, rope, hose, pump, water
Water rains from a bucket onto 24 strings which run across a cubical wooden frame. A drop hitting a string causes a sound which is made audible with pick-ups and loudspeakers.
The water collects in the basin below is is frequently pumped back up into the bucket.
The strings are tuned in E, F#, G, A, B, E
and in E, F#, G, A, C, E (each dubble)
The installation was conceived for the battlement in Werdenberg Castle (CH) in the frame of Schlossmediale 2024. Due to the lack of glass windows, wind blows through the space and influences the path of the drops and thus the dynamic of the soundscape. Also ambient sounds from the surrounding nature and the nearby town mix with the soundscape.