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_0005 David W.
_0009 anonymous
_0017 anonymous
_0021 Smaranda D.
_0026 Emiddio V. (+rec)
_0035 Callum B.
_0037 anonymous
_0038 Lisa S.
_0043 Frank G.
_0054 Dygoro S.
_0055 Smaranda D.
_0056 Grapa13
_0060 anonymous
_0064 Timothy
_0065 Richard B.
_0066 Paul N.
_0067 Gianna & James
_0068 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0069 Nimrod V.
_0070 David Mc.K.
_0072 anonymous
_0073 Wolfram W.
_0074 Eleni S. (+rec)
_0076 anonymous
_0078 Frank G.
_0079 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0080 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0081 Christian K.
_0082 Warren S. (+rec)
_0083 Jaan G.
_0086 anonymous
_0094 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0100 anonymous
_0103 Emiddio V. (+rec)
_0105 David W
_0107 Mel D.
_0109 anonymous
_0110 Mel D.
_0116 Mirko N.
_0118 Warren S. (+rec)
_0119 Carrie F. (+rec)
_0120 Emiddio V. (+rec)
_0122 David W.
_0125 Ashley G.
_0126 Frank G.
_0127 Ivan S.
_0129 Victoria
_0134 Tyreac J.
_0135 Wolfram W.
_0136 Nadia H.
_0137 Hajni S.
_0141 Erin U.
_0143 anonymous
_0150 David W.
_0152 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0155 Frank G.
_0161 anonymous
_0163 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0165 Emre D.
_0170 Sven
_0172 David W.
_0173 anonymous
_0176 Jon H.
_0177 Shannon
_0178 Maria L.
_0180 Mel D.
_0181 anonymous
_0184 Agnese R.
_0185 anonymous
_0189 Caroline
_0190 Tyler H.
_0193 anonymous
_0195 anonymous
_0198 anonymous
_0201 anonymous
_0203 anonymous
_0204 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0206 Nimrod V.
_0207 Christian K.
_0208 anonymous
_0211 Lara B.
_0212 Rasheed
_0214 Mariah O.
_0217 Precious
_0218 Lala T.
_0219 anonymous
_0220 David W.
_0222 Gosa
_0223 anonymous
_0227 anonymous
_0229 David W.
_0230 anonymous
_0231 Carrie F. (+rec)
_0233 David W.
_0236 anonymous
_0237 Chelsea M.-O.
_0238 Mary
_0239 Random Order (+rec)
_0240 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0244 anonymous
_0245 Julia B.
_0247 George W.
_0258 Kasseem
_0261 Tashan S.-H.
_0265 Khadhija
_0267 anonymous
_0272 anonymous
_0279 Carrie F. (+rec)
_0280 Ashley G.
_0282 Luc
_0283 Nima A.Z.
_0288 Messua P.-W.
_0290 Chereka
_0293 Emiddio V. (+rec)
_0294 David W.
_0299 Eray
_0300 Oliver T.
_0302 Carrie F. (+rec)
_0303 anonymous
_0307 Agnese R.
_0309 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0310 David W.
_0313 Perry S.
_0316 Bojana A.
_0317 Messua P.-W.
_0320 Carrie F. (+rec)
_0321 Luigi G,
_0324 David W.
_0329 Becs W.
_0332 Sam F.
_0334 Giorgia
_0336 Paul N.
_0339 Wolfram W.
_0342 Tommy
_0343 anonymous
_0347 Oliver T.
_0348 anonymous
_0350 Emiddio V. (+rec)
_0353 Shannon W. (+rec)
_0354 Sam F.
_0357 anonymous
_0358 anonymous
_0359 Carmen B.
_0360 Giorgia
_0367 Random Order (+rec)
_0370 Random Order (+rec)
_0372 Messua P.-W.
_0373 Random Order (+rec)
(+rec) means that this person installed and recorded the microphone
This map contains sound samples of the 153 contact microphones that have been installed in public space by the participants and collaborators of the Structural Sound Project London (May / June 2014).
The samples (20 seconsd each) can be played simultaneously and in free order. This offers a virtual walk through structure borne sounds from this area.
You are hearing the sounds from the inside of urban structures (e.g. light posts, handrails, traffic signs, fences, drainpipes, bridges, ...). The individual structures are set to vibrate by different events; such are wind, rain, ambient noise, subsonic noise or manual influence.
For pictures of the individual microphones click on the numbers next to the players. (a popup window will open)
The pictures were taken by the particular person who installed the microphone.
Some of the samples contain low pitch sounds. They might not be displayed by computer loudspeakers.
The use of headphones or adequate loudspeakers is recommended
The map shows a 1.3 km radius around arebyte gallery including the neighborhoods Hackney Wick, Fish Island, parts of Tower Hamlets, Homerton and Stratford as well as Queen Elisabeth Olympic Park and parts of Victoria Park.
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Please note that this website has been designed for the use on desktop computers and laptops. Smartphones and tablets might experience problems. Sorry